New Coaches! Spanish Speaking Professional and Pricing Updates

Summer Updates: New Coaches, our first highly trained Senior Level Spanish Speaking Coach and ASD Services for our Spanish Speaking Community and price increases starting in September...

Please welcome some new additions to our already amazing team!

Spanish Speaking Coach:

Yesica Hickey

Empathetic, patient, caring, passionate about empowering mothers, fathers, caregivers, inclusive teachers and Spanish-speaking youth and adults with autism.

Yesica is a CAS Certified Autism Specialist and is also a BCCS Board Cognitive Certified Specialist,is a coach with more than 20 years of experience as a special educational needs educator and developer of programs to improve social and communication skills and strengthen skills for inclusion.

In all this time, among the main lessons she has learned, she can mention that:

"The family, the first step towards effective inclusion"

"Empowerment is one of the main tools to achieve success, which is not only in reaching the final goal but in each small progress achieved on the way to it."

Yesica is a mother of a young man with autism, with him she learned from scratch to change their lives, managing to make autism a wonderful opportunity for growth

and awareness, in the same way it accompanies to change the lives of many neurodiverse people and their families in different parts of the world remotely, through the Internet or in person.

Empática, paciente, solidaria, apasionada por empoderar a madres, padres, cuidadores, maestros inclusivos y jóvenes y adultos hispanohablantes con autismo.

Yesica es Especialista en Autismo Certificada por CAS y también es Especialista Certificada en Cognitivo por la Junta de BCCS, es una entrenadora con más de 20 años de experiencia como educadora de necesidades educativas especiales y desarrolladora de programas para mejorar las habilidades sociales y de comunicación y fortalecer las habilidades para la inclusión.

En todo este tiempo, entre los principales aprendizajes que ha aprendido, puede mencionar que:

"La familia, el primer paso hacia la inclusión efectiva"

“El empoderamiento es una de las principales herramientas para alcanzar el éxito, que no está sólo en alcanzar la meta final sino en cada pequeño avance logrado en el camino hacia ella”.

Yesica es madre de un joven con autismo, con él aprendió desde cero a cambiar sus vidas, logrando hacer del autismo una maravillosa oportunidad de crecimiento. y concientización, de la misma manera acompaña a cambiar la vida de muchas personas neurodiversas y sus familias en diferentes partes del mundo de forma remota, a través de la radio o presencial.

Robin Love

Robin Love is a certified professional life coach and a counselor-in-training working toward her LPC in CO. And she is #actuallyautistic!

After a successful 20-year career in business, technology, education, and curriculum development, Robin pursued her dream of being a counselor. Her path to focusing on the autistic community has been a personal journey of discovery.

Robin is the proud mom of a teen son with autism spectrum disorder (ASD, level 1). With her background in education, her experience with her son, and her counselor education, she became an “expert” on autism - in males. It was years before Robin learned that girls and women on the spectrum present differently and that she is one of these women.

Robin received her official ASD (level 1) diagnosis with a sense of relief. Being autistic explains her many struggles in her career and personal life. Now, Robin wants to help others on the autism spectrum realize their hopes and dreams while honoring their neurodiversity.

Dillon Mariglia

Certified Cognitive Coach, RSW and Emotion Focused Therapy Level 1. CTRI Trauma Informed Care and safeTALK trained. Motivated and committed to helping others feel empowered and achieve their life goals.

Please note that on September 1, 2024 our pricing will increase!

Now is the perfect time to begin coaching to lock in our current rates before the increase in September.

Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with our team!

ASD Life Coaches is an approved vendor with the New Jersey Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD).

Other funding is available through ClassWallet in Arizona, The School District of Philadelphia AND we can refer you to our partners for funding from Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) as well as Self Determination Services in California. Our goal is to obtain funding in all 50 states.

What we do...

We are a group of Cognitive Life Skills Coaches for Adults on the Autism Spectrum and anyone who is Neurodivergent. There are many neurodivergencies and our coaches are well trained in all of them.

Some of the skills we work on are social and communication skills from the very basic, up to the much more nuanced. We work on building healthy, safe relationships from the ground up. Those relationships can be personal friendships, romantic relationships and professional relationships in the workplace. There is a big focus on life transitions. Some examples of these transitions are going from High School to College/University or transitioning into the work world. Likewise, you can also transition into a new home, new relationship, becoming a parent, or any life event that requires major changes in your life routine. The final area we work in is Executive Functioning Skills. These are your every day life skills to keep your life running whether it is budgeting, calendars, organization, prioritization and much, much more.

Some clients need assistance with all of these areas and others just need to focus on very specific areas. This is why we create a plan that is individualized for our clients needs. We do not offer a one size fits all approach. We develop a custom plan for every individual that reaches out to us. We also work with parents, siblings, couples and professionals across the country. As one of the biggest and longest running coaching practices out there that specializes in neurodivergence, you can feel confident that we can meet your needs.

Our team is highly trained and the best in the world. Contact us for a complimentary consultation so that we can see if coaching is right for you and so we can pair you up with the right coach. We are very much looking forward to meeting you!

You can schedule a free consultation right on our website or fill out the form and our team will get back to you promptly.

We would also love to offer to you an e-book available to download on entitled Life Coaching for Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Discovering Your True Potential:

Other formats include paperback and an audio version.

Learn more about our team of coaches! We specialize in so many areas so that we can provide appropriate services for all those who want to work on practical life skills.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to help point you in the right direction.
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Meet Jaclyn Hunt MA, ACAS, BCCS

ASD Life Coach who assists and supports #neurodiverse people and families by teaching practical real life skills and promoting independent living. Sign up for more information!

Read more from Meet Jaclyn Hunt MA, ACAS, BCCS

Labor Day Weekend Promotion! *FREE* E-Book Life Coaching for Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Discovering Your True Potential Free August 28th to September 1 only on! Cognitive Coach and Author Jaclyn Hunt discusses her experience working with Neurodivergent Adults and how to best support them in our community. Life Coaching for Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Discovering Your True Potential Download for FREE August 28th to September 1 Only!! ASD Life Coaches Click here to access our...